Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Night Life

This chapter reminds me of why I still have a fear of the dark. Well not the dark exactly but I mean like when its pitch black. I can’t even take it when I’m in my house at night. I always have to keep the hallway or bathroom light on. I f I don’t I become paranoid like Rat Kiley. I begin things and see shadows move but that’s just in my house. Rat was out there in the freaking jungle with bugs, animals, and nature. Nature can be pretty scary. It can be unpredictable and when you’re wandering a jungle in the pitch black dark of night, your nightmares became real. Rat said he heard the bugs talking to him. They were out to get him. Sanders said that the monkeys spoke death-chatter and that the night had its own voice. No sane person should have to go through such torture.
Humans are supposed to sleep at night and not wander the darkness like some nocturnal owl. We’re not made for that Rat certainly wasn’t. He just couldn’t take it anymore. He had seen too many bodies, too much blood, and too much gore. The way that Rat Kiley deals with injuries and bodies is different than a doctor. A doctor isn’t there when a person gets stabbed, shot, or blown up. A doctor only sees the after effects and deals with that. See it’s different for Rat because he was there when all that stuff happened to people. After a while those images build up in your head. Rat just couldn’t shake it. He was always seeing his friends dead and himself in his dead. Thoughts like that will mess you up. So I don’t blame Rat for shooting himself in the foot, no one did. Everyone knew that he had seen too much and it was better if he left.

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